A Dream in Action…

“Dream big” we say to our kids every day. “Hold fast to dreams”, Langston Hughes tells us. We are so proud of our team and the kids, families, and community we serve. Here’s just a few of our 2023 highlights.


Dream #2 : Publish A Book! (Words on Wheels)

Aiken, one of our awesome students in the Words on Wheels program this summer, decided he had a great story to tell and his dream was to write a book. After meeting with Deirdre, our writing teacher, Aiken wrote, created and is about to self-publish, Don't Play With That Jack! , a book about a kid who likes to play with everything and the mischief he gets into while playing. Stay tuned for purchasing details! 

With your generous donation of $150 you can support three young authors-to-be through Words on Wheels. 


Dream #3 : Join A Book Club! (Teen Club)

With so many of our older kids asking for a safe place to have fun on Friday nights, Shakira dreamed up a Teen Club where we hang out and read and discuss amazing books like Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower, and Alice Walker’s The Color Purple. In neighborhoods experiencing gun violence and trauma, it is critical that our Tree House Books kids have a safe place to socialize.        

With your contribution of $250 you can sponsor a Teen Club fun night.


Dream #4 :  Travel the Country, Maybe the World

In May, Tangie, our Managing Director, led eight kids to The Air and Space Museum and ​​The National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC. For many kids it was their first trip outside of Philadelphia! Travel can be life-changing and we want to give every Tree House Books kid the opportunity for travel and experiential learning. 

With your generous donation of $500, four kids can join the Travel Initiative