Getting Books - build your home library!
It’s so important to get books into your home! Our mission at Tree House Books is to help you with FREE new and used books to build your home library and ensure you have access to quality books for all levels of readers!
If you or your family are seeking new and gently used books for your home, please visit our Giving Library during our hours of operations from 10 am - 6 pm, Monday-Friday
3 more ways to get books!
1. Visit our Little Tree House Library - a help-yourself 24 hour book shelf outside Tree House Books. We stock the Little Tree House daily with a range of quality books for all. We can fit about 40 books in there - so there’s always a selection! (Pictured here.)
2. If there’s nothing in the Little Tree House, you can send an email and “Request a Book” Looking for a set of “Dork Diaries?” Email emma@treehousebooks.org and we’ll see what we can do!
3. The Traveling Tree House! You can request our new bookmobile, or find out where we are going to be next by visiting the website for our Traveling Tree House!
Receive Books from Tree House Books:
If you are with a school, faith-based organization, nonprofit, after-school program, or other group, and wish to distribute books to the families you serve, we want to help! Please fill out the form below, and one of our Giving Library staff will contact you personally.